Waitrose Christmas Advert
Q: What is the product and who are the company selling it?
A: Foods at Christmas, the different variety of things that you could buy to make your Christmas special, it had a variety of meat, cakes and tradition Christmas puddings. The company trying to sell it is Waitrose. They try and make it sound better when they say 'only sold at Waitrose'.
Q: What are their brand values?
A: Their brand values are high quality foods, that you can only find in their shop with that exact recipe and that taste. They also hint that their food are going to make your Christmas better that ever and more special because they advertise it with the whole family.
Q: Pick out 1 of each of the following. Describe it and explain its effect:
Camera shot type
- Tracking
Camera angle
- Long shot
Camera movement
- zoom in/out
Q: Describe the use of diegetic / non-diegetic sound – how does it help persuade audiences to spend their money on this product?
A: Non diegetic sound was used as background music, narration was also included in this, the narration included singing as the advert went on, this is effective because it meant that you'd have background noise but you wouldn't have to focus too much on the narration and you'd more be able to focus on the food and what is being advertised because the music is a main part of the advert it just adds a little family festiveness to the advert.. Diegetic sound was used when cooking, you heart the swiping from putting the icing stuff on the cakes and and when the tree was being pushed through the window, you heard the tree branches ruffle against the window sides causing them to make a noise. There wasn't much sound in the advert yet there was still a lot going on you saw in the background people acting and laughing just without sound, it was blocked out by the narration song that was used, this was effective because it meant you could focus on what was being advertised.
Q: Mise-en-scene – pick out aspects of setting, lighting, costume, acting, props & dialogue – describe them and explain their effectiveness.
A: for the set, there was a house, lights and usual household items and it created a casual mood and a family orientated atmosphere. The costumes were casual everyday clothes apart from the child who dressed up as a Christmas tree. During the advert there was no dialogue, just singing. The set is all Christmassy and has the traditional 'white Christmas', that everyone loves to see; it gives the impression that the feeling brings the family together and makes everyone happy and it makes the perfect Christmas. Inside the house, a certain mood is set with candles etc., it created the neutral lighting that you tend to see everyday and the lighting that makes it feel warm. The decoration in the house gives you the impression that everyone is happy and has a warm feeling around the house. The advert more focuses on the food and how to food brings everyone together and how amazing it is, this is because even if someone was cooking they'd still be interacting with the family and still be involved and not stuck in the kitchen. At the end of the advert the food is the main part, it is the Christmas pudding with the tradition of keeping it alight, during this scene they have the pudding in focus and the rest slightly blurred but still able to see, when it is brought in it suggest that you will have the perfect Christmas because you'll have the food and the whole family around, this is because the family are clapping and laughing in the background, the lighting for this is quite dim and warm this is effective because it adds to the family feeling because all the food is on the table.
Q: Consider the logos and the screen graphics – describe them and explain their effectiveness.
A: They have a traditional branded logo, that is white, it is written in a bold basic font that is easy to read and remember because it is always able to stand out because it is placed usually on a dark green background or a dark background where it stands out well and is able to be read clearly. They have the text at the bottom middle of the screen typically that includes information such as: it can be purchased in store online, having it delivered to your door, can order in store, online or via the app.
Q: Add some screengrabs